Reviews - Recommandations - Commentarios

Philippe & Melanie, France/USA - December 2013

Dear Balvinder,

it has been such a pleasure sharing those 3 weeks through Rajasthan with you. From the moment we met you, we knew that you were the right driver for us and we feel very blessed that our paths crossed. We had an amazing time in your company visiting beautiful places, chatting about it all, sharing stories, learning about your country and culture, laughing out hard and listening to some great tunes...Long Drive Pe Chal will stay in our heads forever!
You are a great guy, a stupendous driver and now we can say a dear friend. Thanks for your honesty, openness, flexibility, good humor and super personality. We wish you all the best for the future and cannot wait to come back to spend more time with you (and meet auntie in Amritsar)...and maybe stay with you as we are still looking for a new home!

Adam & Rosie, USA -  18th of November 2013

Dear Singh,
What would we do without you?! Thank you so much for everything! You helped us complete our trip around the Golden Triangle. You really made this into a great experience. Can't tell you how much we appreciate your help on everything and driving us from one destination to the next safely (especially when we had oncoming traffic heading right at us!). We could not have asked for a better driver. Thank you for sharing your stories, teaching us about Indian culture, and making us laugh. We wish you the best and will miss you greatly. Singh is King!

Huguette & Jean-Marc, France - 11th of November 2013

Cher Singh,
nous avons apprecié ta compagnie tout au long de ce mois passe ensemble. En effet ta connaissance de l'Inde, ton calme et ta bonne humeur ont contribué franchement a faire de ce voyage une merveille. En plus de tout cela, nous avons decouvert en toi un homme gentil, serviable, cultivé et droit. Comment te remercier si ce n'est en t'offrant notre amitié et comme nous te l'avons proposé te recevoir chez nous en France si tu veux venir passer un moment. Je pense que nous nous reverrons en Juillet sauf imprévu. A bientot.

Benjamin & Nathalie, Belgium - 24th of October 2013

Dear Singh,
thank you so much for this wonderful day we had between Ranakpur and Kumbalgar!!! It was short but not less unbelievable, thanks to your advices, religion details and also for asking Nathalie to speak English (and given her good advices about housecleaning and dog adopting!). You can be sure we will not hesitate to contact you when we will be back in India for a long trip, we know it will be a great time. Cheers.

Oliver & Rani, Germany - 23rd of September 2013

Dear B. Singh,
thank you so much for everything. You have been a guide "friendlicht" to us, but we must more a friend than a driver. We felt safe with you in your car. Your car was very comfortable, good for a sleep as well. Maybe you will visit us in Germany with your family one day, so we can show you our country. Best wishes and take care. It is very hard to say good bye. Best regards.

Empar & Marta & Maria, Spain - 20th of August 2013

Our lovely Singh,
we are all very happy and grateful to have had the chance to enjoy this experience with you! You are a wonderful man, with a different way of life but which we all learned so much Thank you !!! Thanks to you, this journey has been an awesome one! And thank you for not running away after meeting four crazy Spanish girls. Your happiness and your singing will always stay with us.

Vivi & Elodie, France - 30th of July 2013

Cher Mr Balvinder Singh,
Au depart, un peu effrayée par la conduite indienne et desorientée par la foule, tu as su nous rassurer et nous conseiller. De ville en ville, tu nous as fait découvrir l'Inde en toute sécurité et je t'en remercie. Beaucoup de discussions et de rigolades. Je garderais un tres bon souvenir de ce périple et de ta facon de rassurer et de prendre soin de tes touristes. Je souhaite aux touristes de tomber sur toi. Good driver, good joker, good adviser. Un séjour inoubliable en compagnie du best driver of India! Merci pour tout!!!

Bruno & Annie, France - 10th of July 2013

Nous avons passe une bonne et agréable journée avec Mr Singh. Une rencontre d'un homme rempli de sagesse, sympathique, aimable. On se reverra un jour!

Caroline & Deborah, France - 15th of June 2013

Dear Mr Singh,
Thank you for those fourteen days! You are an amazing driver, bodyguard, English teacher and Indian stylemaker! We will remember all of your friendly tips and talking about India will always be a funny time.  Manger dans la rue, visiter, découvrir le sikisme, attendre la décrue au milieu des plaines du Rajasthan, s'éblouir du Taj Mahal, parcourir les bazars de Delhi...c'est tout ce qu'il nous fallait apres notre examen. Merci pour tout!!!

Alex, France - 2013
Singh ou l'art de la surprise a chaque carrefour. Une semaine magique ou la prochaine étape bien qu'inconnue pour nous etait sure d'etre une expérience plus unique que la précédente. Singh, par sa connaissance du pays, des gens, des moeurs, nous a permis de découvrir le Rajasthan comme jamais nous aurions pu le découvrir. Une expérience unique a vivre absolument et avec une confiance imparable.
Singh is great!!! Trust and follow him everwhere he tells you to go. Thanks for that amazing experience.

Antoine, France - 2013
Tout simplement magique! On devait faire un voyage a la "roots" sans rien prévoir et finalement on s'est retrouvé entre les mains de Singh. Gentil, drole, attentioné, il nous a montré l'Inde de ses yeux, dans les meilleures conditions et ce n'est pas seulement l'Inde que nous avons découvert, mais aussi Singh, une personne incroyable et pleines d'attentions. Il nous a ammenés dans de superbes lieux, il connait tout le monde, nous apprend pleins de choses. Certains disent "bodyguard" je pense plus a un ami que j'ai découvert.

Jenny, Sweden - 2013
when we have been talking about you at the hotel, we have referred to you as "the man", I guess that says a lot! Thank you for a great experience and for being the best driver, teacher, and human that you can be!

The Highness & Big Shopper J, Sweden - 2013
It's only been three days with you but you are already like a friend to us. Bringing us sweet, mint green things and keeping the speed down when your heart tells you to do so. Without you, our experiences would not even be half as good. We will sure miss you and your hospitality and your kind heart. All the words about how a good man you are have already been written here. If you ever come to Sweden, we will take as good care of you as you have been taking care of us. Thank you for your help and king heart. You are a top driver and human. All the best.

Daniel, Germany - 2nd of April 2013

Lieber Herr Singh,
vielen dank fur deine Dienste. Ich glaube jeder Reisende protitient von deiner Erfahrung. Du bist immer punktlich! Dein Sut macht die Reise sehr menschlish. Indien Neulinge konnen bei dir viel lernen und allgemein weist da viel. Es is schon einen solchen Mensch kennengelernt su haben, Viel Gluck and viel Gesundheit.

Christof & Inka, Germany - March 2013

Dear Balvinder Singh,
the last two weeks passed by very fast. Together we drove through Rajasthan and we had a great time! From our first day in Delhi, where you showed us the Sikh Temple to the last days of our trip, you were not only a good and reliable fellow, but moreover became a friend! We are sure that we will always remember you whenever we will think back on India. Your way of driving through the Indian traffic was always impressive! You are really able to drive like James Bond (if necessary) or even better. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you and your family the very best for the future. You will always be in our memories and we are grateful foryou the time we spent together. Thank your for all!

Gordon & Genna, Canada - 5th of March 2013

Above all you are a lovely, gentle, kind, generous man with an infectious sense of humour. We enjoyed many laughs shared. This past ten days or so, you have taken care of us and showed us wonderful things, some that you knew we would like but not on our itinerary. We always felt safe with you whilst driving around. We feel quite sad that is our last day together but we will think about for a long long time to come. Loved your music and singing.

Camilla & Julie - 2013

Dear Singh,
our lucky were we to get the sweetest driver/man in India to show us Agra/Delhi/Jaipur and Pushkar. Nothing but smiles, laughter, jokes and love. Taking good care of us when we were sick, helping us to buy medicine, fixing a nice restaurant, recommending nice places to stay etc. If you can choose your driver, choose Singh!

Mario, Andy & Romy, Germany - 2013

Lieber Singh,
ohne dich ware es uns die erste Woche in Indien nicht so leicht gefallen, ums zutrecht zu finden. Du warst uns stets ein lieber, lustiger and "singhender" Begleiter und bist schnell zum Freund geworden. Du hast uns jederzeit unterstukt, als wir Hieje brauchten - sei es bei der Suche nach einem Hotel oder mit deinern heifteichen Tipps zum schuck vor Handlern und Schnorrnern. Dennoch hast du uns die Freiheit gelassen, die Reise nach unseren eigenen Wunschen und Vorstellungen zu gestalten. So hast du uns den Trip mit dir zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis gemacht. Vielen lieben Dank fur Alles.

Elsa, Kristel & Linda, Belgium - 2nd of February 2013

Dearest Mister Singh,
what a great time you gave us, what a blessing it was to meet you! We will always remember you and will keep you in our minds when driving our own cars! Wishing you all the best.

Matt & Abby, UK - 28th of January 2013
Many thanks for a wonderful three days of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. The visit to your templs was extremely memorable, we learnt a lot! Thanks you for your good humour and knowledge of all the places, you made our trip of the triangle very special. We will miss your singing. Wish you all the best for the future.

Noel & Nelly, UK - 17th of January 2013

Dear Balvinder,
thank you very much for your company, support, and good humour, which made our journey from Delhi-Agra-Jaipur such a memorable trip. Your knowledge of the area was than our travel guide, showing us things that were not listed. It would be a great world if we all could have your sense of humour and your outlook on life. Our best wishes.

Esther & Paloma, UK - 2013

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